issued (UTC): 2013-05-16T10:38:38

Event type: CME_arrival

Event time uncertainty: 12

Event probability of arrival: 50

Event update No: 1

Predicted ionosphere disturbance scale: I1 - Disturbed
Predicted arrival time (UTC): 2013-05-16T23:00:00
Predicted condition of the Ionosphere Actual and one hour forecasted TEC maps are provided by SWACI.
Predicted geomagnetic disturbances: expected minimum Kp: 3
Predicted geomagnetic disturbances: expected maximum Kp: 6
Expected Hazards Impacts on high frequency (HF) radio propagation expected. Influence on positioning and navigation is possible.
Influenced geographic area: not specified
Associated halo CME:
Associated Presto Message: PRESTO FROM SIDC - RWC BELGIUM