Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center

NASA Scientist Studies Whether Solar Storms Cause Animal Beachings

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NASA reports about the force behind one of nature's strangest mysteries.

NASA is investigating the force behind one of nature's longest-standing mysteries - why perfectly healthy whales, dolphins, and porpoises appear to lose all sense of direction, and end up stranded on a beach somewhere to die a slow and agonising death.

Read more on <link https: feature goddard nasa-scientist-studies-whether-solar-storms-cause-animal-beachings external-link-new-window internal link in current>NASA websites 

Veterinarians Rachel Berngartt and Kate Savage volunteer with NMFS' Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network during the necropsy of a humpback whale calf that stranded on Baranof Island, Alaska. Credits: Aleria Jensen, NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC