Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center


PITHIA-NRF Trans-National Access (TNA) 7th Open Call

|   IMPC News

PITHIA-NRF launches its seventh call. This is the FINAL call in the frame of PITHIA-NRF project to provide effective and convenient access to the best European research facilities for observations of the upper atmosphere, including the plasmasphere, ionosphere and thermosphere. The call is open from 15 August 2024 and closes on 27 September 2024.

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6th National Space Weather Workshop

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The 6th National Space Weather Workshop is a non-public event. Participation in the workshop is possible by registering on the website

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CLOSED: PITHIA-NRF Trans-National Access (TNA) Open Call

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Get into touch with the IMPC team through PITHIA-NRF!

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Visit us at the ESWW23 in Toulouse

|   IMPC News

Meet the IMPC team at the 19th European Space Weather Week 2023 in Toulouse, France!

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IMPC User Registration is now open!

|   IMPC News

You can now sign up for an user account at! This allows you access to latest product data files, early warnings and the TEC Time Series Plotter application. Stay tuned for upcoming features.

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5. Nationaler Weltraumwetter-Workshop

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Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt lädt vom 21-23. September 2021 zum 5. Nationalen Weltraumwetter-Workshop ein.

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IMPC starts data delivery for PECASUS

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IMPC provides Scintillation and TEC data to PECASUS consortium which is the one of the three global centers providing space weather advisories according to ICAO regulations.

For more information

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International Workshop on GNSS Ionosphere (IWGI2019) - Theory, Algorithms, Modelling and Applications

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September 23-25, 2019,

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Neustrelitz, Germany

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1st TechTIDE User Workshop

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May 15, 2019,

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Neustrelitz, Germany


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New release of the IMPC webportal

|   IMPC News

Today, we introduce a new release of the IMPC webportal with many new features. This shows, the transition from the prototype webportal of the Space Weather Application Center - Ionosphere (SWACI) is progressing.  

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Space Weather Events

Severe solar flare event on 06.09.2017

|   Space Weather Events

On September 6th around 12 UT, sunspot AR2673 unleashed a major X9.3-class solar flare - the strongest solar flare in more than a decade, cf. image below. Although this flare was very powerful and accompanied by a CME it is relatively mild when comparing it with extreme events like the "Halloween Storm Event" (2003) or "Carrington Event" (1859). The arrival of the CME is expected two or three days…

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Ionospheric Response to the Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017

|   Space Weather Events

Solar eclipses are always fascinating events for all people having the opportunity to experience it directly. For atmospheric scientists solar eclipses are huge active experiments for studying the response of the Earth’s neutral atmosphere and ionosphere on the well-defined turn off and on of the solar illumination. This will be also the case for the solar eclipse over North America on 21 August…

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