Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center

Disturbance Ionosphere IndeX Spatial Gradients (DIX-SG)

Latest Data

The ionosphere is the largest natural source of error for trans-ionospheric signals and existing geomagnetic or solar indices can only provide global and indirect information. Therefore, a temporally and spatially resolved ionospheric disturbance index is needed that objectively describes the current level of disturbance to the system and services for operators.

We have developed a prototype ionospheric disturbance index (DIX-SG) that is able to describe the ionospheric disturbance level with high spatial and temporal resolution. The index is based on measurements from 1Hz real time GNSS networks and provides a clear picture about global and regional ionospheric disturbances and their strength based on a simple but powerful numerical approach. As a real-time indicator that objectively and reliably describes the extent and strength of ionospheric disturbances, the DIX-SG could form an essential basis for future global space weather services.

The DIX-SG measurements are mapped into a regular grid (1°x1° lat/lon). Each grid cell presents the mean of the DIX-SG measurements located in this cell.

Product Specification


External parties German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Data providers IGS, EUREF, ASI, Greenland network of the Technical University of Denmark, UNAVCO
Input data GPS dual-frequency measurements
Input sampling rates 1s
Reliability of data source Data is preprocessed by DLR including e.g. cycle slip detection
Region of sensors Global
Single-layer shell height 400 km
Spatial resolution 1° x 1° latitude-longitude-bins
Boundaries of grid global
Temporal resolution 1 min
Time information UTC Time
Reference coordinate system ECEF coordinate system with WGS84 reference ellipsoid
Algorithms The DIXSG algorithm is published:

V. Wilken et al. (2018) An ionospheric index suitable for estimating the degree of ionospheric perturbations, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 8 A19

File format JSON: this file format includes metadata and data



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